Help Musical Stars get their stage
Musical Stars Performing Trust | Theatre
Match Donors
Each donation made will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to their matching amount.
John and Jo Gow
Is matching up to $2,500
Five weeks prior to Musical Stars' annual show opening, their booked theatre closed suddenly. Determined for the show to go on, they have found a venue, however this brings $10,000 in additional expenses to this non profit trust.
If you're not familiar with Musical Stars, it's is an after school musical theatre class for children from 5 -16 years in the Wellington region. They are passionate about fostering confident and creative children through musical education. Founded by Talita Archibald, it has run successfully for 20 years, with over 100 kids each year, many staying for 5 years.
A highlight of the year is their annual show, giving children an authentic and professional stage experience. Not only does the show put in practice their skills, it gives children the chance to experience the real magic of theatre.
Children not only perform to friends and family, but also two shows especially for children from local schools and early childhood centres in the local community to access and experience the arts in a very direct and meaningful way, just for a nominal contribution.
It's a real community endeavor, with amazing support for props and stage design and volunteers making all the stunning costumes.
This show would mark their 20th year and is Seussical Jr (and Cinderella Jr) set to open on 7th November. Rehearsals are in action, costumes getting final touches and public tickets for sale here.
All donations to qualify for a 33% tax credit from the NZ tax man.
Even better - each donation made will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $2,500.
Help us get the show off the ground and give children the stage!
Project Updates
Thank you... and introducing our Backstage Fairy Godmother
You can tell we were pretty excited yesterday!
A special thank you to those who've supported in the last 24 hours, helping us reach our $10k goal - Ainsley & Mark, Jude, Simon, Barbie & Steve, Paul, Chrissie, Claire, Ale & Lor and April.
We've taken the audacious step to stretch, so we can extend an offer to kids from low decile school to attend our show for free. We'd so appreciate your help in sharing this!
And from the rehearsal room, it truly takes a community to create the Musical Stars shows. Introducing Shirley, known as the Backstage Fairy Godmother, who for years has helped with the stunning costumes. Straight from rehearsal, Talita stops by Shirley's porch with all the Cinderella costumes that need adjustments. Like a sewing drive-through!
True volunteer spirit!
Project Owner

Musical Stars Performing Trust
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