Jacob Tamata | Multi Discipline
Youthful escapism, BIONICA investigates a celestial plane, a third eye perspective and a nether realm where voices are invoked and inspiration is abundant.
We need your help to support the employment of our talented cast and production team to create this new and exciting work. This campaign is also seeking to secure support to cover specialised technical aspects of the production and my vision.
Beyond our bodies and societies expectations, BIONICA; a utopia, challenges traditions and the masculine overtures of our fathers generation. Our minds are always awake.
BIONICA is series of Activations reshaping audience through the experiences of a young, queer, indigenous artist. Told through the bodies of a new generation of movers and shakers, combining soundscape and motion.
Created for the stage by artist Jacob Tamata (The Duchess of the House of COVEN)
BIONCA will be premiered for the very first time at:
The Mangere Arts Centre - Ng? Tohu o Uenuku
Thursday, June 21 at 7 PM - 8 PM
Corner Bader Drive and Orly Avenue, Mangere, Auckland
Kindest Regards
Jacob Tamata
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Jacob Tamata
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