What Matters Most

Juliette Pitts | Film

$1,678 of $1,500 Raised

36 Generous Donors

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The Project

I want to say a huge thank you from Juliette and Cameron. We are so proud of the campaign and the support you have given us. Without you, this literally would not have been possible. We are stoked with the results and the journey has been so much fun! 
Thank you to the Boosted family behind the scenes for providing us with this amazing platform and for giving us this opportunity to get our creative ideas out into the industry. We are so excited to make this film a reality and can't wait to share it with everyone.

Our Film:

What Matters Most is a 6-8 minute short drama film that tells a story of an 18 year old girl Whaikaha, a young talented rugby player who is faced with a choice. Whaikaha had a strict family upbringing and now has the additional pressure from her school rugby coach. These high expectations surrounding her sporting career brings Whaikaha into a position of confusion about her future. However, when Whaikaha discovers a love for something new she must decide whether to put her happiness first above the people she loves. 


Why We Need Your Support:

This film is being made as our final project at Auckland University of Technology under the Bachelor of Communications degree. To make this film possible we would highly appreciate any sort of donation towards this project. All your donations will be going towards feeding our amazing cast and crew, transportation to and from set and hiring film locations. We understand that not everyone will be able to donate but you can help by sharing this page.


Our Team

We are very happy to announce that we have an incredible and talented crew who have also been studying screen production at AUT for the past three years. We have also been blessed with a professional cast who are industry level working actors. You may have seen these familiar faces on the show Shortland Street and more.



Director: Cameron Carter-Chan

Producer: Juliette Pitts

1st Directors Assistant – Hunter Hunwick 

Director of Photography – Amy Morrin 

Sound Operator – Matthew Cumming 

Lighting Technician – Diya Beharie 

Health and Safety: Jack Reidy



Whaikaha – Ariaana Osborne 

Wilson – Aleksander Staprans 

Kaia - Hayley Walters-Tekahika 

Tama – Daniel Walker 

Tesh – Brigid Carter-Chan 

Sarah – Ann An 


All donors will be included in the end credits as this would not be achievable without your help. We also have an Instagram account @whatmatttersmost where we will post daily updates on the progress of this film and behind the scenes actions of our shoots. All donors will also have a personal story shoutout on our instagram!


We are so excited to make this film a reality and thank you for helping us make this possible.


Cameron Carter-Chan and Juliette Pitts

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