Wake Up Tomorrow at Circa
Everybody Cool Lives Here | Theatre
Everybody Cool Lives Here are bringing Wake Up Tomorrow back...this time it's quite a bit different. Audience's will still journey on a plane (inside the safety[?] of a theatre) but the direction's changed and we're still not sure where we're headed.
Active are back, along with some fresh new talent, as well a greater understanding of what it means to put on a show. Their ideas have been bubbling away since March last year and they're ready to bring it once again.
Active is a youth vocational base for 17-25 year olds with an intellectual impairment. These are some of the coolest (if not funniest) people Everybody Cool have hung out with, and you need to meet them!
Our team of theatre mentors have working to support creating confident young people ready to lead the transition into adult life... as well as put on the most amazing show you've ever seen.
We've jumped on-board the Fringe Festival bangwagon, even picking up two of last year's best talents - Simon & Izzy, who took out CreativeNZ's Fringe award for 'Most Original Concept' and the Chapman Tripp Theatre Awards 'Most Original Production of the Year' for their show "Dinner with Izzy and Simon".
Circa's even opening the door to let us into one of Wellington's premier venues CIRCA One... Let's see what happens when they let the youth go wild.
We need your support, for the final push. Whether it be telling your friends to come along or chipping in so all the hours of work our mentors have invested means they can feed themselves and continue to make new fun and exciting work.
New Zealand Fringe Festival
21 - 28 FEBRUARY
Circa Theatre
Bookings 801 7992
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Everybody Cool Lives Here
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