Tino Rangatiratanga Kara
Te Tuhi Mareikura Trust | Visual Art
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Daniel Wilson
Is matching up to $9,000
We are Te Tuhi Mareikura Charitable Trust working with one of our trustees Linda Munn to put into place a succession plan for the protection of the most prolific and emblematic Māori artwork, the Tino rangatiratanga flag, and the kaupapa around the flag for the benefit of future generations.
Meet the artist of the Tino Rangatiratanga Flag:
Linda Munn was guided and mentored by group of strong and forward thinking Wāhine who were key members of the Black Women’s Movement Aotearoa and Tamatoa and subsequently became involved with numerous protest events mainly those significant in the reclamation of Māori culture, Te Reo, Whenua, basically 'not to be treated as 2nd class people on our own land' Linda Munn.
In 1989 the idea of Māori being able to fly their own Kara (flag), was inspired by the First nations of Australia, who had flown their own sovereign flag since 1974. Te Kawariki ran a flag competition, from which the Tino Rangatiratanga Kara was born - it is of a kaupapa, a movement for the betterment of Māoridom.
The Tino Rangatiratanga flag is uniquely Māori and acknowledges all the whānau and those who fought side by side for the Kaupapa of tikanga, kōrero and whenua Māori .
Munn’s artistic practice embodies the principles of Tino Rangatiratanga, applying ancestral knowledge to explore the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of tikanga Māori which binds our artmaking to reciprocity - to elevating Māori communities and leaving a legacy for the ongoing protection of our mokopuna (offspring).
The goal of this project is to elevate the Tino Rangatiratanga flag by establishing the legal parameters of its use to ensure authenticity of its design according to intellectual property (IP) and to ensure that integrity of the flag is paramount. It is important to Linda Munn the artist, and sole living designer of the Tino Rangatiratanga flag, that the kaupapa (intent) of the flag is maintained, that her IP is protected, and that its ongoing use represents mana enhancing activities for Māori.
Te Tuhi Mareikura Charitable Trust is committed to the artist receiving her own recognition and her relationship to the design is upheld as much as possible. It is concerning that the misuse and misappropriation of the flag is rife and Linda has had very little benefit or voice in these circumstances. By supporting this project you enable us to work for the artist to establish her IP, ensure quality standards around the flag, enable authentic and quality product that represents the intent of the flag and puts profits into Māori communities where it is most needed.
The Tino Rangatiratanga Flag is a potent and unique example of how artists' work is exploited in the commercial domain, where the artist lacks the resources to challenge the breeches of their intellectual property. You can make a real difference in the IP space by supporting the artist and the artistic inheritance of this taonga and Māori as beneficiaries of their own art inheritance. This will benefit us all in knowing that when we fly the flag or support the production or wearing of this symbol, that we are actually supporting Māori made local product that is community driven (not China copies), artist endorsed, quality product.
It is important that we directly support Linda Munn to produce a small range of Tino Rangatiratanga products and contextual material that benchmarks the expectations around its use.
Te Tuhi Mareikura Trust and Linda Munn would like to thank you warmly for your support for authentic Māori product created with Māori communities at their heart.
Tino Rangatiratanga working group: Kereama Taepa, Linda Munn & Julie Paama-Pengelly.
Kere Taihia
Tautoko this kaupapa hard!!
Bevan Morgan
Amanda Cox
Davina Moke
Nadene Edmonds
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Te Tuhi Mareikura Trust
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