The Old Place
Rachel Fawcett | Film
The Project
A young wāhine Māori reconnects with her late Koro, Hone Tuwhare, through their shared gift of poetry.
We need your support to tell this story on Loading Docs’ award-winning short documentary platform. A film that shines a light on the power of Māori youth as well as the power of our tūpuna; to demonstrate that values and gifts from the past can give us strength in the present and our future.
Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua - I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on the past.
An 18-year-old poet, part of spoken word group Ngā Hinepūkōrero, has a legacy left for her by her great-grandfather, Hone Tuwhare. A national treasure whose poetry spanned over 40 years, Hone passed when Manaia was just six, leaving her with memories frozen in photographs.
E ai ki te kōrero, ka hinga he tētēkura, ka haramai he tētēkura - as one palm frond dies, another takes its place.
In this documentary we will explore Manaia’s unique gift and follow Manaia as she returns back to her late great grandfather's home in Kākā Point, to reconnect with him. Because of her Koro’s prestige, she struggles to see him as her own Koro.
Like her great grandfather, Manaia has a gift for storytelling and poetry, yet the yearning to know Hone beyond his art runs deep. Through Manaia, we are able to access a beautiful, universal theme: the desire to seek connection with family long after they’ve passed.
Hurihia tō aroaro ki te rā, tukuna tō atarangi kia taka ki muri ia koe - turn your face toward the sun and the shadows fall behind you.
As filmmakers, director Matariki Bennett (Te Arawa, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Whakaue) and producer Rachel Fawcett are deeply drawn to stories about the human desire for connection, as well the power of our tūpuna. Additionally, they want to inspire other young Māori to be storytellers like their tūpuna.
As part of the Loading Docs initiative, we need to raise a minimum of $3,500 through Boosted. This will help us cover things like equipment hire, music licensing, travel and other production costs.
Once we reach our minimum target, it will unlock additional funding from Loading Docs. But, this is an all or nothing campaign. If we don’t reach our target, we get nothing! That’s why we need your help.
Loading Docs is an award-winning short documentary initiative to develop New Zealand filmmaking talent. Loading Docs is funded by NZ On Air with support from NZFC and Te Māngai Pāho.
E kore te puna aroma e mimiti ki a koutou katoa, ngā ringa hāpai o te kaupapa nei.
Matariki Bennett and Rachel Fawcett
Project Owner
Rachel Fawcett
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