The Great Kiwi Poster Competition
Bruce Mahalski | Visual Art
Match Donors
Each donation made will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to their matching amount.
Hell Pizza
Is matching up to $6,000
Do you love art and nature? We sure do!
Kiwis have already led the world with fighting Covid, banning nuclear armed vessels and helping to fight Apartheid. We think its time to become an example to the world again and we'd like our young people to help lead the way!
While it may seem our carbon/methane emissions are small beer we are in fact the 21st highest contributor in the world and the fifth highest within the OECD. The Government has talked a lot about reducing emissions and pollution but they still keep on increasing.
Every day there are news stories of droughts, floods, fires and famines and many young people have good reason to be worried about their future. We want to give them a more powerful voice to promote positive change.
The team behind the great Kiwi Poster Competition has been the driving force behind two previous successful poster competitions – last years one (under the name ‘Aotearoa Poster Competition’) focused on addressing racism with the slogan – He waka eke noa - We’re all in this together!
This year’s one has the slogan - Kia pai ake tātou! – We can do better!
Our goals
The main aim is to enable our young people to use their amazing art skills to spread messages of hope and positivity. There are better ways of doing things and it’s not too late to fix broken systems and move forwards together with new sustainable models and a nationwide commitment to re-wilding and regenerating our precious native ecosystems.
We have the support of Hell Pizza who will donate $1 for every dollar you donate until we reach our $12,000 target.
Phantom Bill Stickers will both promote the competition for free with hundreds of advertising posters placed around the country and they will also put up the winning posters all over the country.
We hope to begin the competition before the end of the school year in mid-November and run from around to 15 November, 2021 with the competition open for entries for a roughly 10 week period until the end of January 2022, with judging in early February and the winners announced later that month.
A panel of three well known artists will decide on the winning entries. Prize winners will each receive $1000 and their posters up all over Aotearoa as well as a possible exhibition of all of the posters (at a venue still to be announced).
Your donation would help to pay for –
· The prizes
· A dedicated website with information about the competition, where people can upload their entires
· Koha for the judges and other support staff
Please can you help us make this happen!
Kia pai ake tātou! – We can do better!
Project Updates
An Update from us!
Project Owner
Bruce Mahalski
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