Help create Te Kaahu O Rangi on vinyl

TE KAAHU | Music

$5,581 of $5,000 Raised

69 Generous Donors

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The Project

Ki a koutou, e taku whānau.

For the last 18 months, I have been working on my reo rangatira project TE KAAHU.

Now, I'm excited to announce that on May 6, I will reveal an album titled "Te Kaahu O Rangi" - nine waiata written entirely in reo Māori, honouring my tūpuna wāhine. These songs are steeped in the sounds of yesteryear - sounds that I know my grandmothers would've danced to, cried to, and loved.


I need your help to fund "Te Kaahu O Rangi" on vinyl. 

In keeping with the kaupapa of TE KAAHU (tino rangatiratanga!) this is an independent project, in which I’ve managed to cover most costs myself. But there is one thing that I would dearly love, but simply cannot afford, and that is to present these songs in the way they would’ve been heard in years gone by - on vinyl.


I'm asking for your support to make this happen.

For me to be able to present this as a taonga tuku iho - a treasure to be cherished and played for years to come, would mean the world to me. No matter how small the koha. It all matters.


Nāku noa, i roto i te aroha,




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