Seeking Sanctuary

Abbey Crawford | Film

$3,508 of $3,500 Raised

36 Generous Donors

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Seeking Sanctuary is a 3D animated sci-fi television series. Following Blake, an exiled space rogue who ventures onto a colossal spaceship to seek out her family's approval. Instead, she discovers a once bustling zoological tourist hotspot is now home to a ferocious predator. Will she continue to seek unattainable acceptance or start a journey for herself?

For our university project, we will create a proof of concept package that we intend to pitch to the industry. This package will include a 1-minute teaser trailer and a show bible that illustrates and describes our world-building in detail. 

Unreal Engine

Seeking Sanctuary will utilise Unreal Engine 5's cinematic pipeline to bring this story to life using the real-time rendering nature of the game engine. Meaning we can preview a scene or shot in real-time, giving us far more flexibility and control in how we want a scene shot, lit and assembled. This way of working is new and innovative, allowing us to bridge the gap between VFX and cinematography.

Help us make this happen

With your support, this funding will help our team monumentally. Allowing us to pay voice actors at industry rates, stunt actors for motion capture, make an original score, and create a professional pitch package, giving us the chance to bring this idea to life!


We are a Massey University Third-year Major Project! Our team is passionate and committed. Each member has a unique background and skill set they are looking to show off through this project.

Meet the team

Kate Raine - Co-Director/Art Lead 

Jacob Karam - Co-Director/Creature Artist

Abbey Crawford - Producer/Co-writer

Evan Ryan - Unreal Technician

Emma Ward - Unreal Technician/Co-writer

Rebecca Riordan - Hard Surface Modeller

Antonio De Gregorio - Lead Animator

Char Wilson - Mocap Animator

Caleb Wright - VFX Artist

Alex Walker - VFX Artist

Tilaye Tarren - Director of Photography/Sound design

Boosted uses an all-or-nothing system, meaning each person's support is detrimental to the success of this project! Any donations you can give would mean the world and enable us to make this project a reality! 

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  • Benji Dobbie


  • Tony De Gregorio

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