Headland Sculpture on The Gulf | Visual Art
Project Updates
BOOM! We made it!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We believe in our community.
We also believe in miracles! And this morning, those beliefs were significantly confirmed, even though we had to refresh our screens a few times to make sure what our eyes were seeing was indeed real.
Thank you for answering our call.
A special thanks to the very generous donor whose immense contribution accelerated us across the line!!
What a beautifully blessed way to kick off our show this week. Thank you again for contributing to our Boosted Support Artists fundraiser campaign on behalf of ALL our artists.
Enjoy the magnificent site-responsive sculptures on our breathtakingly beautiful SOTG coastal sculpture trail from 4 - 27 March. Return ferry, event entry and shuttle bus ticket combinations are for sale here. Event entry-only tickets can also be purchased here.
This year our extended footprint for the event includes the SOTG Small Works Showcase at the Waiheke Community Art Gallery and our companion programme at Wild Estate (book ahead!)
Ngā mihi mahana you are amazing!
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