Raggedy-Anne and MrPiths
Ella Hope-Higginson | Theatre
What is Raggedy-Anne and Mr. Piths?
It's a debut play, written by emerging playwright Ella Hope-Higginson and co-directed by Paddy Carroll.
Built along with a ferociously talented team who are working to bring the lonely, timeless, dust-filled world of Raggedy-Anne to life.
Part romantic-comedy, part absurdist-tragedy (think somewhere between La La Land, Harold and Maude, and Waiting for Godot).
Anne and Piths wait atop a dusty shelf, inhabiting whimsical stories spun from their own imaginations to fill the barren landscape and endless hours together.
The result is a surreal comedy of games, poetry, neurosis and nonsense. An absurd interpretation of co-habitation, modern-romance and the multitude of distractions we provide ourselves in order to Live our Lives as fully as we are told we should.
Who will I be supporting?
Paddy Carroll & Ella Hope-Higginson (recent graduates from Toi Whakaari NZ Drama School) in the creation of a new work. Both are stepping into new roles, as director and writer/director respectivly. The project is a new original script which is being mounted by an emerging local crew.
A project such as this one pulls together a huge team of collbaorators and supporoers. Fram actors, designers, producers and production and stage management teams. Our crew represtns what i feel are the best of the upcoming New Zeland Theatre industry. By supporting this show, you support each individual to perform their role to the best of their ability and make the fininshed work shine.
What are you asking for? And Why?
The production has already been supported in so many ways.
Toi Whakaari New Zealand School of Drama is supporting us with rehearsal space. Pheonix make-up, the Costume Cave and Full Swing Dance Studios of Wellington all supported us in creating a great poster image. The project is being mentored by local industry professionals.
We just need the last bit of help to get us over the hump and into the space to create something really magical.
We are looking to crowd source $750.00 toward this last-bit..and when we say last bit we really mean last bit!
Materials for our set, printing-costs and a few days extra-space hire is all it will take but it all adds up!!
If you can be a patron to our work and support our journey as emerging artists please do!
Ella, Paddy and The Raggedy-Anne Team
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Project Owner
Ella Hope-Higginson
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