Sam Clements | Multi Discipline
The Project
Caring is an enormously rewarding and crucial role often under-acknowledged, yet the stresses and strains can be great. From ancient Greek mythology, and inspired by the artwork of Alana Clark, a life long caregiver, this one hour show is first and foremost an expression of love.
This project aims to reach out to those who are caregivers, who have cared for others, and to those who have experienced loss of a loved one, as well as those who love multi-dimensional performing arts projects.
The themes extend the traditional concept of the psychopompos, escort into the underworld, into a series of poems which take us on a journey celebrating the spiritual guide of the living person's soul. The voice of the caregiver is rarely heard, and yet without them, we would not survive, let alone be ready for what lies ahead.
The four poets, Peter Le Beige, Katerina Makri, Sam Clements and Rose Northey, have between them been published in journals, finalists in regional poetry slams, and have debuted as guest poets at established poetry events.
The two musicians, Nigel Gavin (heralding from US Long Island, and Sonia Wilson (Franco-US heritage), have carved out fine careers in the Auckland and New Zealand music scenes.
Director Willa Cameron (O'Neill) has had a distinguished career as an award winning actress and playwright, best known for her roles in Hercules, Topless Women Talk About Their Lives, Scarfies, The Price of Milk, and An Angel At My Table.
Many of our cast have direct experience as long term carers, and do so with great heart and dedication. In an increasingly complex world, with pressure on resources, the carer is going to assume an ever more important role in society.
Project Owner
Sam Clements
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