Project U47w

John Gray | Multi Discipline

$2,443 of $16,500 Raised

28 Generous Donors

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Who's involved now?

We are proud to have Michael Bell and Flavio Villani onboard and part of this challenge.

Michael CW Bell is a pianist, organist and composer from Auckland. He is passionate for the music of J.S. Bach and blends Baroque elements into his compositions and improvisations.

Flavio Villani is a pianist and composer in Auckland and is currently working on a Doctorate through the Waikato Univeristy. His latest works on Chopin, Liszt and Rachmaninoff repertoire aim on combining the study of the language of those composers, into his own compositions and improvisations.

The last hurrah...

Kia Ora everyone, we find ourselves in the last week push of the campaign, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank again everyone who has contributed so far.

We are really happy to announce that courtesy of the Patience Project, we are currently working on what VR and audio capabilities we can now explore too, come the recording days themselves. The aim is to stream the 360deg camera as an experience for the kids associated with the Patience Project, but we will also do our best to get it to any supporter’s desktop/ device in one shape or form.

We also thought that a few clarifications wouldn't go amiss, regarding whether the campaign is successful or not.

Q: What happens if we meet the threshold?

If we find ourselves in the amazing position of having either reached or exceeded the threshold, then the piano recordings will take place as originally planned, spanning multiple days, in different locations. To clarify, the U47w was never going be the only microphone used to capture the sessions. Instead, it was going to be the highlight amongst a number of other microphones, allowing us to present the pianos in the ultimate light come mix down, which is all included as part of the campaign. All services, be it recces, planning, recording/ editing/ mixing, streaming, extra hands, transport etc, are all inclusive of this campaign too.

Q: What happens if we don’t meet the threshold?

Obviously, it wasn’t meant to be and we couldn’t find enough support to realise the project as per the original concept. Our every intention, however, is that whatever funds we do manage to raise, will be used to facilitate the original recordings of Michael Bell and Flavio Villani, albeit in a scaled down version. 

The ethos of this project, is about trying to document two musicians on their preferred instruments, using the best technological innovations available to us, to the best of our ability. The U47w is a very special microphone indeed, but we do have other fantastic microphones at our disposal that can do more than an admiral job. Even though some of the tools may have changed, the core ideology is still the same.

Ciao for now, brown cow

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