Pet Day
Ruby Harris | Film
The Project
'Pet Day', a short film written and directed by Ruby Harris and produced by Stephanie Escalante tells the story of two best friends living in a small rural community in Aotearoa. This film tells the story of a friendship between two 12-year-olds, their horse riding adventures, and a complex relationship between a step-parent and child.
Pet Day will be filmed in Whirinaki, Hokianga, a beautiful rural New Zealand community. Getting to bring this film to life in the Hokianga is a privilege, filming in this special place will bring a 'grounded' feel and pace to our story that would be unachievable to capture elsewhere.
This film will show the powerful connection kids can have with their horses, as well as the importance of friendship and communication between parents and children.
Our main actresses are some of the best horse riders in the area with a unique connection with their animals and the land. Pet Day will also bring to the screen the rarely spoken challenges that a step-parent and child may face, highlighting male vulnerability from a place of love and care towards family.
This light-hearted, kiwi humoured short will not leave you feeling heavy but it will leave you thinking.
To tell this story and do it justice we need your support! You can help us tell this story by donating and sharing our film far and wide.
All the funds raised through this boosted campaign will go toward looking after our crew & cast first and foremost. We will need to cover essential costs such as accommodation, kai and petrol to travel up to the Hokianga.
Our cast and crew are made up of talented individuals. Some live in the Hokianga region, others have whakapapa (ancestry) to the area and they all have a passion for work with children, horses and rural communities.
I (Ruby) grew up with horses and in the last year, I have made two films with Rangatahi and love it. Pet Day is inspired by true & imagined experiences. I want to shed light on how much 12-year-olds are listening and how these experiences can lead to a deeper understanding and connection within families. It is important to me that writing this film is collaborative with the whānau and kids to make a film we are all proud of.
Your donations will help us hire equipment, look after our cast, crew and the community we are working with. If you cannot donate, please share this page with your friends!
Thank you so much for being part of our journey, we are so excited to share our film with you.
Project Owner
Ruby Harris
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