Our place in Time Place Space Nomad

Kemi Niko & Co. | Multi Discipline

$4,334 of $4,200 Raised

50 Generous Donors

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Kia Ora

We are Kemi & Niko, an artist duo from Wellington.

We salvage our materials, peddle nature, engage communities, and share our art freely. This has resulted in a body of work we are proud of, a beautiful and useful live-in studio and a wide range of talents, materials and communities that we treasure.

If you're reading this, you have probably encountered our art before. That is the best introduction we could hope for as our art is who we really are. That feeling of discovery, surrounded by nature, is what inspires us. Whatever the context, this is what we are aiming for. It excites us too.

We've brought you here today to ask you a favour.

We're hugely excited to have been selected to participate in a unique artist residency program in Victoria, Australia in April. And we're seeking your support to help make this experience even better by covering our flights and camp fees. 

Time_Place_Space: Nomad is a 10-day art immersion camp where we can connect and collaborate with our New Zealand peers, free from domestic routine and parenting responsibilities. While there, we'll run a workshop demonstrating how to turn the humble tin can into a valuable resource, as well as participating in other artist run workshops and the camp schedule.

Thanks for playing along

We are forever grateful for the support and enthusiasm our widespread community gives us. Your active engagement in our projects over the years allows us to continue to innovate, create and share our skills with the world.

We are dedicated to living this art life wherever it may take us and right now it's taking us to Australia.

We ask you to please donate something towards our attendance at TPS: Nomad 2018.

With gratitude,

Kemi & Niko


p.s We made you some free gifts!

To make us feel better about asking for your help (and to make this campaign way more fun!) we made you some gifts and have hidden them around Wellington, Dunedin and Nelson. Attend the Giftitude 2018 facebook event to get realtime notifications when a new artwork is ready to be found. 

More info about Giftitude 2018

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  • eric doornekamp

  • Anonymous

  • Anonymous

  • Xanthe Torrens

  • micheline evans

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