Mangamahu Valley

Libby Firmin | Visual Art

$1,320 of $1,320 Raised

20 Generous Donors

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I need your help to produce my honours year photography project into a series of books that will be given back to the community.



Kia ora! My name is Libby Firmin and I've recently completed my honours year degree (BDes Hons, Photography) at Massey University. For my final project, I have photographed Mangamahu Valley, a rural region in the North Island.



‘Mangamahu Valley, A Photographic Project Exploring Rural New Zealand’s Landscape’ is a practical photographic research project which investigates the locality of rural Aotearoa New Zealand by employing documentary photography. Mangamahu Valley is a rural farming and forestry region situated in the middle reaches of the Whangaehu River valley, 50km northeast of Whanganui. This project represents and exemplifies the value of the rural landscape of Aotearoa New Zealand to those who are not familiar with this environment. This is done by focusing on the details and structures typically not shown in traditional landscape photography.




My final output for this project is in book form, which is expensive to produce! I have been able to produce a very small number of books for university purposes, however, I would love to produce a larger number of books to sell (especially as I have had interest from residents in Mangamahu who would like to buy copies of my book)! As a former resident of Mangamahu, creating this project has been very rewarding and I would love to give back my work to the community.



As the making process of this project has come to an end, your generous donations will only go towards:

  • Printing
  • Binding


Thank you for your time and consideration! Every donation helps so much. If you're able to, please share this campaign.


Libby Firmin

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  • Zane Wade

  • Anna-Marie MARSHALL

  • Jess Channings

  • Kasey Smith

    Well done Libby . Chase your dreams xx

  • Ken Channings

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Project Updates

Target Reached!

Yay we did it! 

I’m super excited to get more books produced and sent out to the community. More information about that will be on my social media later on when everything is finalised, but in the mean time thank you to everyone who donated to this fundraiser, it truely means a lot.

If anyone is in Wellington from now until the the 22nd of November, my work will be available to view at Exposure @ Massey University. More information about that can be viewed here:

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