Manahi Taoho | Theatre
In July they travel to Shakespeare's Globe in the UK to work with leading theatre practitioners, tutors and directors and perform on the Globe stage.
This trip comes at a cost of over $11,000 of which Manahi has worked hard to pay off over the last 5 months. This includes international and domestic travel and taxes, insurance, course fees, accommodation, breakfast and dinners, theatre tickets, tours and incidentals. This campaign will help Manahi get over the line and make his final payment 🙏 By helping support Manahi you can retain a vested interest in his development and, if applicable, hear him speak or have him perform at one of your events in the future.
"Acting is a mean tool for me. I'm passionate about theatre, stage, and film making - all the parts of it, not just the acting. I enjoy seeing all the behind the scenes mahi of film and television from the makeup people, the soundies, cameras and the props fullas. In terms of theatre, I think it's alot more personal and you get the opportunities to really work on your creative craft when you're in a theatre show and the performance is just way more rewarding. Nga mihi for all the help and support I get from my whānau and friends big or small, even if its just coming to one of my shows and watching the man be the man, we awn. If I become famous i'll give you a shoutout on IG. leshgo." - Manahi
Ana Cullen
We are all so proud of you Manaz! Kia haumaru to haere m, go and be great Boi 😊
Terry Bartlett-Likio
Pete Hansen
Hope you have an incredible time!
Danelle Kiff
cauliii Collier
Surely bring me something back from london
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Manahi Taoho
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