Let's Talk About Me
Wayne Mills | Multi Discipline
Project Updates
WOW! Let's Talk about YOU!
We are absolutely blown away by the huge amount of support you’ve been giving us in just the few days since we started fundraising. You’ve been collectively and individually so generous to us! We can’t thank you enough for your enthusiasm and encouragement that we can make Let’s Talk About Me into a great stage musical. Our love and grateful appreciation to you all.
Huge thanks to The Edge Business Services
We are deeply grateful for the very generous donation and for the support of the arts in Kapiti. Thank you so much!
Six days into our funding campaign and we've cracked the $20,000 mark! Phew...."Sweet As"...as they say! Thanks again for your stunning generosity. We still have a little way to go to get to our budgeted target but your support so far fills us with confidence that we are going to get there.
Thanks to Super Sure (Insurance Super Heroes)
Murray Thompson of Wellington's Super Sure (insurance super heroes) talks about why he's supporting the "Let's Talk About Me" campaign. Thanks Super Sure!
We're Hugging Our Mates!
Halfway through the funding timeline, and we're 92% of the way there! You've been so generous with your support for this project and we thank you so much, not only for your financial contributions but for all the kind messages and well-wishes. If the level of support to date is any indication of what to expect when we roll Let's Talk About Me - the stage musical - out around the country, we're onto something that's going to be very special! With just a few thousand dollars left to raise, please see if you can get your friends involved in helping us with this final stretch. If we don't make the finish line then all donations will have to be refunded and no-one wants to go there! And remember that all donations to the project are tax deductible. Our heartfelt thanks once again to all who have supported us so far! Andrew and April
A "Thank You" song
We're so close to our target goal. Andrew and April express their gratitude in the best way they know how - in song. Please spread the word and share this Boosted page to help us reach that end goal. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and the top of our voices xx
Last night we crossed the finish line and the project became a funding reality! A special thanks and aroha to all those who have responded to our vision with their financial generosity. Now we have the financial backing to make Let's Talk About Me one of New Zealand's home-grown, most loved stage musicals. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for regular updates as we progress the dream through to reality. And a special thanks to those last minute donors who shepherded us through the gate!
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