John The Baptist

Kayne Peters | Film

$4,260 of $2,000 Raised

31 Generous Donors

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11 years ago British immigrant, John Catmur, believes God told him to move to Aotearoa (New Zealand) to become a Baptist minister. Since living here, he has immersed himself in the M?ori culture. The impact has been so powerful, it has connected John to this land and has lead him on a path inspiring others to take up the koroka (mantle).

This story will be told by John completely in te reo M?ori to demonstrate the remarkable passion he has for the language.

From standing on the marae with his te reo class, to worshiping Jesus Christ with members of his church in te reo M?ori and encouraging other p?keha friends to speak the language - we capture a glimpse of John on his mission.

Like the biblical prophet, this John the Baptist carries the word of God around to share with others. But unlike the original prophet, John shares his message in te reo M?ori.

E rau rangatira m?,

T?n? koutou k?toa.

John The Baptist is a 3-minute documentary told completely in te reo M?ori by John Catmur.

The reason I want to make this documentary is because I met John through my journey of learning te reo M?ori and he inspires me. I am blown away that John is from England and studies an advanced level of te reo at Te W?nanga o Aotearoa. And he makes an effort to go to every Kura Reo he can - which are week long workshops conducted completely in te reo M?ori. Then John takes the gifts of the M?ori language to share with his own church congregation and with his p?keha friends.

This short documentary has been selected to be made as part of the Loading Docs initiative, with backing from principal funder NZ On Air and with support from Te M?ngai P?ho and the New Zealand Film Commission. Loading Docs will provide $4,450 towards this film. And with your help to reach our Boosted goal of $2000, we will be able to hire equipment, pay for our crew to shoot the film and cover post-production costs.

Te K?hui o te Kiriata - The Crew

Kaihoutu (Producer) - Piata Gardiner-Hoskins 

Ringatohu (Director) - Kayne Ng?tokowh? Peters 

Kaik?rero - John Catmur

Kaitohu reo M?ori - Mataia Keepa

Kai etita (Editor) - Rihari Kite 

Kaikamera (Cameraman) - Jack Tarrant

Kaihopu reo (Audio Engineer) - Matua Houltham

Kaihopu whakaahua (Photographer) - Mataara Stokes

Kaiwhakanikonikio (Graphic Artist) - Titikawhena Ngatai

Many thanks to Te W?nanga o Aotearoa for their support of this project.

Te _Wananga _o _Aotearoa

Ng? mihi mahana ki a koutou e tautoko ana i t?nei kaupapa.

Thank you for your support.

N?ku noa, na Kayne Ng?tokowh? Peters

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  • Lionel Hotene

  • Manat? iriiri M?ori

  • Derek Kotuku Wooster

  • Anonymous

  • Katarina Konui

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