Hitch a Ride with Visible Women at 60 plus
Jenny O'Connor | Visual Art
When I started in 2012 (the year of my own 60th) my idea was to photograph 60 women who were 60. I had no idea whether that was possible, but I had a vision, set up a studio in Wellington and went for it. This idea is now a book, exhibition and a talking point for women around the world. I want this collection of images to truly represents the depth and breadth of diversity of women in their 60s throughout Aotearoa and for this, I must travel.
It took me 18 months to take the first 60 images. The process was very organic with the women coming to me through word of mouth. The $6,000 I am asking for will cover the cost of 60 days travel to meet and photograph more women around New Zealand. I plan to do this over the next 12 months and while I'm a master at travelling on the smell of an oily rag this will still cost on average $100 per day. I would love you to come along for the ride and donate.
I have happily invested my own funds into the project so far and it has cost a lot. Over the years, many of you have asked how you can help and the time has come for me to accept your offers of assistance. Your Boosted donation will mean I can complete this body of work as our legacy for future generations.
A bit of history
After completing the original 60 portraits in mid-2013 I decided these images needed to be in a book, where they could lie around in peoples' homes and be enjoyed for generations to come. The book was published through Phantom House Books in March 2014 and it is beautiful. I was interviewed by a New York based website in September 2014 and the article was the third most popular feature for all of 2014 and our '60x60x60' Youtube video suddenly had 15,000 views. I was stunned and immensely proud to see photographs of beautiful New Zealand women in their 60s facing boldly out to the world.
I began to realise the project had struck a chord. Women from New Zealand and other parts of the world began contacting me, thrilled to see women just like themselves between the covers of a book. They felt connected, no matter how far the distance. In March 2015 the photographs were exhibited for the first time. The public came in their droves and again their response was heartwarming and real. See the feedback in the second banner image.
As you can see it's been quite a journey so far - but the work isn't finished. I want this collection of images to truly represents the depth and breadth of diversity of women in their 60s throughout Aotearoa. To do that I need to travel from Stewart Island to Cape Reinga and photograph women from as many different places as possible. These images will lend a local flavour to the exhibition as it tours the country.
The 'Visible Women at 60+' website www.visibleat60.com has lots more information about the project. I will keep you up to date with progress through the website, Facebook page, Twitter, the Blog and newsletter.
To leave a smile on your face, here's an email I received from someone in Connecticut US...
"Hello Jenny, I just returned home after my day at the bridal shops for my 30 year old daughter. It was wonderful and then I thought oh dear what will I wear? I am turning 60 in July and want to look beautiful but ahhhh it's not as easy as it used to be. So I searched the web for real woman at 60-not stars with Botox and such-and came across you. Thank you! If you are in CT I would love to be part of your project and I have friends that are all turning 60 this year too!"
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Jenny O'Connor
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