Julie Zhu | Theatre
"He karanga t?nei ki ?ku tu?hine,
ng? hine a ? m?tou whaea,
a ? t?tou t?puna,
a ? m?tou mareikura,
a ? m?tou atua wahine,
a Papat??nuku e...
nau mai, haere mai, whiria mai ki t?nei kaupapa, ki a Hine, Hine, e Hine e!"
Once upon a time I was told that I was divine.
Once upon a time I believed I was divine.
Now I'm not so sure.
HINE dances the veil between our divinity and our human reality.
HINE reclaims the sacredness of women through ceremony, dance, and waiata.
HINE seeks to activate te mana o te wahine, celebrating te whare tangata by weaving together sacred stories and sacred rites.
In reclaiming our sacredness as women we are restoring the balance. We invite you to take a journey with us, and navigate the tides of womanhood together. In donating, you will be contributing to production costs and travel costs for some of our sisters flying in from the Far North and South.
Created by Whetu and Komako Silver in collaboration with wh?nau.
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Julie Zhu
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