Help to record the music for new Māori musical, 'Atarangi: Morning sky'
Tom Knowles | Theatre
The Project
2021 will see the premiere of my new kids musical, 'Atarangi: Morning sky.'
The reggae-pop-dub musical has taken many years to write and explores the Māori myth of Ranginui and Papatuanuku through the eyes of a New Zealand teenage girl in 2021, finding parallels to life today.
I intend for this show, once completed, to become available to any kura, school or drama program to perform and give the children of New Zealand the opportunity to be part of a show that is from this land, for this land and made from the hands of this land.
I have missed out on multiple funding opportunities to support the writing and completion of this mahi and have persevered to get to where I am now.
I now require help:
In order for the premiere to take place, I need to build and record the backing tracks for the musical in a recording studio this summer so it can be ready for the first school to learn and perform with when the school term starts back. The money raised will all go towards the hire of the studio, the gear needed to record with, the professional musicians that will play on the recording, the professional mix of the tracks and the notation of the songs so the show can be learnt and performed anywhere in NZ or the world.
By contributing to this project you will not only be helping me as a writer and an artist in this industry to grow my skills and knowledge and complete a new NZ work, but you will be contributing to making NZ homegrown arts more accessible to the children of Aotearoa.
Project Owner

Tom Knowles
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