Wonder Wombs | Theatre

$2,757 of $2,220 Raised

48 Generous Donors

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What are we doing? Making a show! Wonder Wombs is a brand-spanking new, all-female circus-theatre experience, serving you intoxicating muscularity over toxic masculinity and popping open the male gaze like a bottle of cheap champagne. We've been invited to perform in Brisbane and need your help to get us over the line!

Why are we making this?
The Dust Palace has never before made an all-female show, and in 2018, we want to interrogate why we have left it so long. So many of us want to feel proud of our bodies but don't, and with the way the world is transforming, realise we have had experiences that are not okay, but still don't have the ability to say no. This is our space - there has been so much gender binary work in the space of circus, and it is really important to lean into the strength, capacity and softness that we can bring to the art of circus as women.

Wonder Wombs is a seven-strong cast featuring some of Aotearoa's favourite performers from the circus, theatre and dance worlds, with an all-female creative team behind them. Enter: Eve Gordon, Ariel Cronin, Hannah Tasker-Poland, Jess Holly Bates, Jaine Mieka, Beth St John, and Rochelle Mangan.

This is not 'another woman's cabaret show' but rather pushing at the boundaries of what people expect from circus. Hyper-sexualised, binary tropes are everywhere you look! We didn't want this to be our eulogy as a company, so we opened our minds like a cervix and invented WonderWombs - a space to bring strong, articulate female bodies and their autonomous stories into the 21st Century. Riding bareback on tired feminine tropes, Wonder Wombs is a hilarious crash-course in re-imagining power through the pecs of a person with a vagina.

The Dust Palace brings it's signature hustle of risk, splendour, story, comedy and desire to this extraordinary performance experience. Dripping with autonomy, the Wonder Wombs are renovating circus and winking at your surprise.

Exciting progress!
Wonder Wombs has been brought to term and is finally being birthed into the world at the Brisbane Powerhouse 'Wonderland Festival' 2018 with our three-night season kicking off November 29th at The Powerhouse Theatre. This is an exceptional opportunity to share the talents, voices and kick-ass pink unitards of these badass Kiwi babes at an New Zealand festival that celebrates all things weird and wonderful.

Getting Boosted!
To make this opportunity a reality we need to get these Wahine Toa and their suitcases full of hoops, poles, silks, panties and barbells over to Australia! Through Boosted we are seeking to raise the funds needed to pay our amazing cast during the final remount weeks and cover our flights and living expenses while we are in Brisbane.

Reaching our target of $2220 will allow these seven feminist-fatales to bring their stories to new audiences. This money is specifically to make sure our performers can be fed while they bust open the binaries and lift the glass ceiling! The future goal is to be able to bring the fully-realized Wonder Wombs experience to our home audiences here in New Zealand, so keep your eyes peeled!

Your invitation
We invite you to donate to Wonder Wombs and support strong female artists while we reframe our bodies and invite the world to watch.

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  • The Menagerie Variety Show

  • Anonymous

  • Kate Armstrong

  • Tess O'Connor

  • Anonymous

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