Future Fund
The Arts Foundation Future Fund | Multi Discipline
The Project
The Arts Foundation Future Fund – giving all artists of Aotearoa a leg-up.
Life is pretty grim for a lot of people right now. The Art Foundation Future Fund is a way to contribute in a meaningful way not only to an individual artist, but also to the future of our arts and creativity industries. And in that sense, it’s a gift to all New Zealanders.
Backed by our legendary Arts Foundation community of givers, the AF Future Fund provides a $1,000 koha for artists to kick start their own crowdfunding campaigns to raise funds for their work on Boosted.org.nz. Our initial aim was to reach $50,000+, to give 50 projects the leg up they need to keep making great art happen. We’ve now set ourselves a stretch target of $100,000 so we can give more koha, for the growing number of projects that launch on Boosted (up to 100).
In the madness of COVID-19, one thing is clear: there is a growing recognition of the value of the arts on our collective wellbeing and the future of Aotearoa. We’ve felt it from both our givers, and artists who want to give back. That’s why we iniatied Boosted LIVE this April, to create a space where artists could keep connecting with their audiences, and be remunerated for their work.
So remind me how it works?
For every Boosted project that reaches $1,000, the Future Fund will donate an additional $1,000. By giving artists a powerful reason to rally their own communities around their art, we enable the work that is so essential to the fabric of our country. We give, and we get back.
How can I give to it?
- You can give right now with your credit card on Boosted.org.nz – and it will grow the fund OR
- You can be part of a family of founding givers of $5,000 who are our founding givers of this fund –we’ll recognise you (if you would like to be recognised) as part of the Arts Foundation whānau on thearts.co.nz, as well as in our content and social media on Boosted’s channels.
If you want to help at the $5000 level you can donate through Boosted, or give Jo Blair (Arts Foundation Lead) a call to talk through your donation(jo@thearts.co.nz, 027 431 4780.
You’ve got questions?
- Why do you artists need this fund?
- We want to give confidence to artists now that there is an incentive to get their art onto Boosted, and that people believe in them. It’s a hand-up (rather than a hand-out)
- What happens if the Arts Foundation Future Fund keeps growing and isn’t all used?
- We’ll ask Arts Foundation trustees and the founding givers what you’d like to do with the surplus. One idea is to potentially offer a special Arts Foundation Laureate to mark this time.
- Would my donation receive a charitable receipt?
- Yes!The Arts Foundation would issue you a receipt for tax purposes.
- Why don’t you just leave it to the government / Creative NZ to support?
- Creative NZ have been remarkable with their response. However, there is nothing better than reinforcing the value of an artist, than by someone personally giving to their work, or to a fund.This isn’t a grant. This is a gift; a gift artists can only receive if they make a go of it themselves.
Project Owner
The Arts Foundation Future Fund
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