Bits and Pieces Ensemble | Theatre
More women should be on stage
We have a stage for said women
We have women to put on said stage
It costs lots of money to put said women on said stage in Auckland
We don't have money to put said women on said stage in Auckland
We would like some money so that we have money to put said women on said stage in Auckland
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
Did you know if your nipples are brown, you're good at oral sex? And there's not as much grip in a super-slim pantyliner as there is in the hair between your thighs.
Brand new company, Bits and Pieces Ensemble, presents FLAPS (Basement Theatre Aug 23-27). FLAPS is a wild devised exploration of what it is like to be a cis-gendered, vagina-laden female. Fear failure, fear success, jealousy, competitiveness. Diva cups, masturbation, ingrown hairs, clit celebration. Mother -daughter relationships, wondering when to shave our bits. Discharge, wrong hole, cross your legs don't show your soul. FLAPS celebrates the vagina in all its visceral gore and glory.
FLAPS was birthed from a desire to find more space for women and women's stories on the stage combined with a strong ethos of collaboration among as many female creatives as possible.
Although this piece has already been supported entirely through donations of both time and resource thus far, we still need some cold-hard cash for things like nails and duct tape and sheets to make our vagina puppet.
I'll show you mine (show) if you show me yours (money)
Dates: 23-27 August
Venue: Basement Theatre
Tickets: $18 - $20
Bookings: www.basementtheatre.co.nz or phone iTicket 09 361 1000
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Bits and Pieces Ensemble
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