
Pietra Brettkelly & Chelsea Winstanley | Film

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CROCODILE - snapping towards completion

Kei Poutū-te-rangi, kia ora koutou.  Wow, it is March with that beautiful red moon and chilly nights.  And we have exciting news to share...

As we continue to traverse the hundreds of hours of filmed footage, we are closer and closer to a cut.  I returned to Nigeria last September (photo below) to show scenes to The Critics, the co-filmmakers and subjects of CROCODILE, and celebrate again this crazy and boundary-pushing collaboration.   It wasn't the most straight forward of journeys to get there this time - five hours in a traffic jam in the countryside, with the Nigerian airforce hovering overhead and people with guns walking car to car checking on the occupants.  One asked me "Has he kidnapped you?" pointing to my driver.  "Not yet," I replied.

In November we were selected for the prestigious IDFA Rough Cut Presentation, out of 170 submissions, at the world's largest documentary film festival and market in Amsterdam (photos below).  Raymond Yusuff, one of The Critics, was able to come with me and, as I said to him, make me cool... but more importantly continuing on our journey of collaboration and inclusion, making our film stand out and be stronger.

And from hundreds of applications, CROCODILE has now been selected for the reputable European workshopping programme Dok Incubator.  It will be three workshops over the coming months, drilling down into the DNA of the film, finding the strongest film and then preparing the release materials to hit press and publicity with on the film's completion.

The workshop organisers have agreed that two members of The Critics can accompany me to Europe with each workshop.  It will be an amazing time of growth, of learning and of continuing to build the spirit of this film that makes me emotional every time I review a cut.

It is I believe a very special film.  I've arrived at a word to describe its tone and look - restless.  I feel this encompasses the unique approach to this coming-of-age story, in the footage, in the pacing of the film's edit, in the sound design I have in mind, and the musical score.   But also the restlessness of The Critics to grab at life, and from me to get it out to you all to view!  I will be celebrating hard when it is finally released, let me tell you.

I remain so grateful to you all, the film's supporters.  Mauri ora.

Just six hours to go....

We are in the final hours, and thank you all for your support and encouragement. It means so much. In these final hours if there's anyone you feel you can send the link to, we would be so grateful. Kia pai te rā i te ngahuru. Have a lovely autumn day.

Frankfurt exhibition captured - thanks to you…

Our cameras have just captured the opening of the Nigerians’ exhibition ONE CAN ONLY HOPE AND WONDER at Frankfurt Museum of Modern Art thanks to your fundraising efforts. The five oldest of The Critics, aged 15-22 have been in Frankfurt for six weeks building and then being the stars of the opening night, even Raymond as you see below editing right up until the last minute, sitting in his beautiful mauve suit.  

And a note that we’re now holding smaller fundraising events if any of you know of someone who might be interested…

Again huge thanks to you all, you’re in our hearts.

What a beautiful year - ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou, a huge thank you to you all!

A few years ago my beautiful mum was knitting a jumper for me. Dad would deliver the updates. "She's building that cobweb for you still", as he walked the phone to where she worked the needles. I could imagine her sitting, with the fine multicoloured wool I'd chosen, the view of te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa at Ōhope for her gaze to drop on as she probably cursed my choice of wool, building the cobweb that would eventually become my jumper.

Oh how I call on my mother's talents in this film cobweb we are currently building. And just like the jumper, it's an extraordinary weave - of life, of culture, of the hope and sometimes despair of these young, of the unbelievable creative minds I get to dive into in this film, of a place so far away from me now but always so close. CROCODILE.

A wee update - we have now been editing for majority of the year, working through the hundreds of hours of footage gathered. We have over 140 scenes cut and are beginning to workshop the knitting of the three main characters and their storylines, and how their short scifi films reflect their lives in this coming-of-age epic.

Your support earlier this year empowered us onwards to get to this stage. And we are eternally grateful.

Enjoy the first dive into the sea or lake or awa on your holiday. And may you find unexpectedly beautiful moments of colour co-ordination like Big Rachael here as she contemplates directing her first film.


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