Behind the Scenes
Caspar Productions | Film
Go ‘behind the scenes’ on a contemporary paranormal investigation!
Behind the Scenes is a student film for Te Heranga Waka Victoria University of Wellington's 3rd-year documentary film production course. The film follows paranormal investigator, James Gilberd, as he conducts a ghost investigation in Wellington's The Opera House theatre. Behind the Scenes seeks to explore the historical significance of theatre buildings such as The Opera House and open the audience's perspectives to the childlike curiosity and scientific methods with which Gilberd approaches the paranormal. The film tells several historical Wellington-based stories. The story of The Opera House, which will highlight the importance of preserving these important spaces in the arts community and the story of an established local artist; James Gilberd. Additionally, the film is empowering the development of young emerging artists to follow their passions and hone their cinematic craft.
Your contribution matters!
We are entirely self-funded, any money you choose to contribute will directly impact our ability to make this film. All funds we raise will go towards covering the costs of making the film.
Our primary cost is hiring our venue: Wellington's The Opera House theatre. The funds will also provide a koha for our participant James Gilberd and catering for our crew and subject on set.
Our Awesome Team!
Sophia Mullender | Director
April Hill | Director of Photography
Matt Reid | Sound Recordist/Mixer
Amelia Newman-Woods | Gaffer/Editor
Will McMorran | Producer
Thank you for taking the time to donate, we greatly appreciate the support! All of our supporters will get their names in the credits of the documentary. Thank you all!
Anthony Baker
Louise Hammersley
John Cena
Well done Amelia
Peter Stanford
Project Updates
Our Film Screening!
Thank you all for the support of our documentary - Behind the Scenes! We will be holding the premiere screening of the film alongside the other films made as a part of FILM311 and you are all invited!
The screening will be held at 6pm on Tuesday October 22nd. It will take place in the Memorial Theatre, Student Union building, Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Campus.
We would love for you all to be able to attend the screening and see the film that you helped us make! Looking forward to seeing some of you there :)
-Caspar Productions
Project Owner
Caspar Productions
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