Art Murmurs Upkeep Fundraiser 2018

Art Murmurs | Multi Discipline

$540 of $500 Raised

20 Generous Donors

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Founded in October 2015, Art Murmurs strives to produce critiques that are both fair and useful, to facilitate a conversation between artists, critics, and the community.

Averaging around 400-600 page views a week (exponentially more so during the many festivals throughout the year), this provides artists a great amount of exposure for their work as well as feedback and praise to push their work to greater heights.

Art Murmurs is run solely on the love and effort of our reviewing and editing team. To this end, we're raising money to cover maintenance and administration costs of our organisation for the next calendar year. This includes the cost of domain licensing, the cost of a website plan through our provider, an organisation email contact, and a marketing endeavour for our Facebook page.

This campaign is just the start of our ongoing sustainability plan, but it's an important first step to ensure Art Murmurs can continue on into the future.

If you are interested in our website and the support we strive to provide to the Arts community in Wellington, we would be incredibly grateful for any donation or support you can offer - whether it be a dollar or a share on your social media. Thank you!

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