Arranged Love
Bharati Sonu | Film
The Project
Kia Ora and Namaste,
Our documentary “Arranged Love” sprang up from our inquisitiveness about the subject of arranged marriages.
Living in New Zealand, we have come across couples who have had arranged marriages and are still living together having raised a family. We decided to choose this topic and make a documentary.
About “ Arranged Love”
This documentary is about Indian couples who have had an arranged marriage, reminiscing about early days of their marriage, getting to know each other, challenges and compromises, and finally what they love the most about each other. Their bond over the years would be established. We would be featuring two couples who have had arranged marriage, sharing their personal journey with us.
Our Aim
This film aims at providing an insight into Arranged Marriages and provides a platform on what has worked out for these different couples to lead a happy family life of togetherness for so many years. This would be an eye opener to many including the current generation.
This documentary would capture the genuine moments and reactions of the couples, taking them back to the time they met each other, and their journey all along.
We are extremely confident in making this film very interesting, thought provoking and exciting. This film will be submitted to festivals, events and be on multiple platforms.
Need your love and support
We, as students of AUT, specialising in Screen production definitely need your love and financial support in making our vision “Arranged Love” a reality. Your name/logo would appear in our credits. Any amount big or small would be much appreciated.
Our Core team
Bharati Sonukumar - Director
Being a kiwi Indian, I’ve always been interested to dwell deep in Indian culture and tradition. “ Arranged marriage” is something that has always remained a puzzle. I have also been exposed to couples who have been married for more than 30 years, who did not know each other before marriage, but have raised a family and are still living together. This led me to research and come up with this film. The inner urge to know their secrets with an honest effort to create more awareness and awakening, has been my motivation.
I hail from a family of film makers, and have gained knowledge and skills in various aspects of filmmaking which includes visualising, direction, cinematography and editing. I am also a singer and am passionate about acting. Being a final year student of Screen Production, I have combined my talent and skills in film making by putting this project ” Arranged Love” together.
James Burton- Producer
I’m currently a third year student at AUT majoring in screen production. I started off with music first and then stepped into screen production. I am committed to combining these two methods of storytelling to show beauty in life.
I was interested in the story of “Arranged Love” right from the beginning. The thought of marrying someone without even knowing them to me is very interesting. And, from this film, I will find the answers from couples who know it too well.
With your financial support and our passion backed with creative skills, we can tie the knot together in bringing “ Arranged Love” to life.
Thanks in Advance for your support!😊
Project Owner
Bharati Sonu
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