Aroha Morrison

Kia ora! My name is Aroha Morrison and I am the founder of emerging theatre company Salty Lizard Productions based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Our kaupapa is one of pizazz. We encourage all who congregate under our banner to be their fabulous, respectful and curious selves. Salty Lizard Productions is an emerging theater company based in Pōneke (Wellington). Our interests lie in original work, urgent calls to action, and reflections. In the creation of this theater space we aim to provide a platform to boost not only Salty Lizard original work, but work by other artists who call Aotearoa (New Zealand) home. Our focus is to share the stage, enabling those with their own stories to flourish. Salty Lizard Productions acknowledges Te Tiriti O Waitangi as Aotearoa New Zealand’s founding document and the rightful place of Māori as Tangata Whenua of this nation. We also acknowledge our place in this country as Tangata Tiriti and the responsibilities which come with this. We pledge as Tangata Tiriti to always uphold Te Tiriti O Waitangi in this theater space and everything we do, exploring how this works in an Aotearoa art’s context.
Last Update:
31/01/2025, 04:55 pm

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