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2023 Springboarders Uhila Moe, Langi Nai, Tia Barrett, Jaycee Tanuvasa, Freya Silas Finch, and Sung Hwan Bobby Park at the 2023 Springboard Party.

2023 Springboarders Uhila Moe, Langi Nai, Tia Barrett, Jaycee Tanuvasa, Freya Silas Finch, and Sung Hwan Bobby Park at the 2023 Springboard Party.

Springboard Award

Springboard aims to kickstart sustainable arts careers for artists at a formative stage of their practice in Aotearoa New Zealand, thanks to funding from our generous community of arts backers.

The Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Springboard programme aims to kickstart arts careers for up to seven artists in Aotearoa every year. Recipients are gifted $15,000, alongside a partnership with a senior artist mentor from our alumni of Arts Foundation Laureates, Icon Whakamana Hiranga, New Generation, Residency or Fellowship recipients (and if we can’t find the right match, we sometimes venture out).

Mentors receive a $5,000 koha, and an additional budget is dedicated toward running the selection process, travel expenses for mentor partnerships, and promotion/documentation of the partnership to show impact – bringing the total award value to $25,000.

The selection process focuses on awarding creatives with outstanding potential who want to start careers in a variety of arts disciplines. The financial, mentoring and resource support system will be designed to have a significant impact on their growth and development as artists – giving them a lift of confidence to start a career.

The Arts Foundation Springboard packages have been funded thanks to the generous support of:
Jamie and Ann Selkirk, Dr Fiona Pardington and Starkwhite, The Edgar Family, Jen and Marko Bogoievski, The Todd Trust, Abby McCormick O’Neil and D. Carroll Joynes, Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu, Brad Spence and Holly Erskine,  Philip Carter, The Leighs Family, and some generous Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi supporters.

Springboard mentor 2001 Laureate Dame Gaylene Preston DNZM and mentee 2022 Springboarder Ana Scotney.

2020 Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Springboard Award Recipient Arjuna Oakes

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2020 Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Springboard Award Recipient Arjuna Oakes

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