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2024 Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate Horomona Horo.

2024 Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate Horomona Horo.

Horomona Horo

2024 Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate receiving the Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Award gifted by Jillian Friedlander

Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Taranaki
Taonga Pūoro/Composer
Laureate Award 2024
“Ko te ohonga ake o taku moemoea, ko tērā te pūāwaitanga o te whakaaro” – Te Puea Herangi. One of my own meanings is – The awakening of my dreams continue to grow and aspire for future prosperity.”
Last Update:
19/10/2024, 09:48 am

Horomona Horo (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Taranaki) is a masterful composer and musician, known for his expertise in taonga pūoro, the traditional Māori musical instruments. Dedicating more than two decades to this ancient Māori art form, he innovatively blends traditional sounds with diverse genres – preserving ancestral voices while playing a pivotal role in its international resurgence.

Mentored by revered practitioners such as Dr. Hirini Melbourne, 2009 Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate Dr. Richard Nunns and Hinewirangi Kohu-Morgan, Horomona has carried forward their vision of the renaissance of the ancient art form. A recipient of the Pūmanawa APRA Silver Scroll Award and the inaugural winner of the Dynasty Heritage Concerto Competition, he has collaborated with prominent New Zealand composers like 2010 Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi Laureate Gareth Farr for the Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir and Victoria Kelly for the NZTrio.

Horomona’s performances have taken him to international stages, including WOMAD, the Rugby and Cricket World Cups, and the Commonwealth Games, and he has shared the spotlight with artists like Maisey Rika, Dame Gillian Whitehead, Black Arm Band, Laurie Anderson, QSO, Small Island Big Song, and NZSO. 

In addition to his performance career, Horomona is dedicated to education, where he continues to share his expertise in taonga pūoro with new generations of musicians. Horomona’s passion for cultural preservation is also reflected in his artist residencies at institutions like Government House NZ and Brandeis University in the USA. Horomona continues to explore the intersection of tradition and innovation, ensuring that the sound of taonga pūoro remains heard worldwide.

Panel statement: “Award-winning Horomona is a master taonga pūoro composer, performer, educator, and Aotearoa’s best known international practitioner. Charismatic, fearless, and generous as a cross-genre collaborator, he works with classical, operatic, choral, pop, and hip-hop musicians, from Kiri te Kanawa to Moana and the Tribe.”

Thank you to Corner Store for helping us tell these stories of impact, and to these contributors to the video: composer and CEO of Creative Waikato Dr. Jeremy Mayall, and 2018 Icon Whakamana Hiranga Dame Gillian Whitehead DNZM.

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