Meet Our Strategic Partners

Kent Gardner

Chief Executive at Evans Randall Investors
Auckland Tāmaki Makaurau

Kent is a passionate advocate for arts and creativity, as well as being a donor, patron, and volunteer to a number of arts, education, and sporting organisations.

Kent is Chair of Pūtahi Manawa – Healthy Hearts for Aotearoa New Zealand, a Centre of Research Excellence focused on equity in Heart Health and has been a Trustee of the Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi for the last five years, serving more recently as Co-Chair. He is a Trustee of the Olympic Foundation and a former Trustee of the Te Papa Foundation.

In business Kent is co-founder of London based private equity real estate company, Evans Randall Investors, which has also established an office in New Zealand. He is founder of Arc Residential, which focuses on building homes for long term rental, and Chairs Jasper Property.

Kent was named UK New Zealander of the Year in 2012 and is a Kea World Class New Zealander.


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